University of Galway

Window Removal

In 2019, as part of a 2 phase project, Niall McDonagh Roofing and Rope Access was tasked with the removal of the existing corroded window grill panels on the 2 towers that stood on the grounds of the National University in Galway City.

Niall McDonagh Roofing and Rope Access firstly created a bespoke access solution to allow technicians to access all required locations in a safe and efficient manner in accordance to IRATA guidelines and create the documentation required to compile a safety folder.
The project required the removal of estimated 312 corroded window grill panels off each of 4 sides of both towers by rigging and use of 5’ angle grinder.

Removing all the panels from the lightweight roof was the next obstacle for Niall McDonagh Roofing and Rope Access with costs of a crane not an option, Niall McDonagh Roofing and Rope Access designed a methodology using certified rope access equipment to zip-wire all waste to ground level to ready for recycling.

Project was completed on time, No disruptions to the Collage, 100% safety record and low costs to the client.

Site constraints

Working in and around Pedestrians, Students, Cyclists & Vehicle Traffic Working with no access to the building facade deeming MEWP unable Working with a lightweight roof below, unable to take scaffolding Organising waste not to travel back through the building


Phase 1 – Tower 1, 4 Days, 64 Man Hours
Phase 2 – Tower 2, 5 Days, 80 Man Hours


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